List of software projects made (with one exception) by me over the years.
GomokuJS - Play Gomoku at home, at work and on the road
GomokuJS is a little web-based game of Gomoku. One can play against computer (I admit that not very bright one), against another player on the same computer and even over network with a friend.
Supported are recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Konqueror (with few visual glitches), iPhone/iPad, mobile devices with Opera Mobile (tested on S60-based Nokia E71) and Android-based devices (unfortunately without network play).
Search and Comments (and Twitter)
Web 2.0, here I (slowly) come. Comments, trackback (powered by and site search (powered by Google) are now just a click away.
(Day later.) Added Twitter box on top (where, besides other stuff, server status of will be published using hashtag #srnetcz).
shttpd/0.3.1 - give credit where credit is due
The reason of this blogpost is to give credit where credit is due: Rimmi Devgan and Avanti Limaje, two MS students with the Computer Science Department of the State University of New York at Stony Brook found a serious security vulnerability in my little web server software called shttpd. I wanted to thank them in public (as I call this dark and lonely corner of the web).
The release made it to the, online Czech magazine about Linux. Have no idea why. Maybe because I made the first release in 9 years, probably the record in history of software. Or maybe not.
New Design, New Location
It was time to give my pages a small face-lift - unified interface to software, texts and blog, better color scheme and no legacy cruft. And with new design came new location:
Most of the public content of old site has been moved here (with automatic redirection), excluding software which is linked from here, but still sits there, Allegro Source Browser which will not be moved, but will keep working, and trash.
Media Sanatorium
Because I have plenty of room on the server I decided to create Media Sanatorium for media files with accessibility problems. There is e.g. first Czech anime Once Upon a Time at the Bus-stop (pages in Czech, movie in Czech and English). If someone needs a space for his/hers video/audio/whatever, send a mail.