Confessions of a Developer
It was fall of 2000 and I was freshly kicked off the University and broke. Being broke I needed to get a job quickly so I turned at this software development house my friend started a few years earlier. (I was so broke that I had to ask for advance paycheck before even working a single day).
List of software projects made (with one exception) by me over the years.
Práce v Polarionu
Oddělení výzkumu a vývoje Polarion Software sídlící v Praze shání vývojáře v Javě a pracovníky technické podpory. Alespoň základní orientace v oboru a dobrá znalost angličtiny nutná. Více informací poskytnu na požádání mailem.
shttpd/0.3.1 - give credit where credit is due
The reason of this blogpost is to give credit where credit is due: Rimmi Devgan and Avanti Limaje, two MS students with the Computer Science Department of the State University of New York at Stony Brook found a serious security vulnerability in my little web server software called shttpd. I wanted to thank them in public (as I call this dark and lonely corner of the web).
The release made it to the, online Czech magazine about Linux. Have no idea why. Maybe because I made the first release in 9 years, probably the record in history of software. Or maybe not.
Unreliable System.nanoTime()
Java's System.nanoTime() is better than System.currentTimeMillis(), right? Wrong!
Java Mystery Of (Un)Closed Sockets
Windows has a limit on number of existing client network sockets. I recently ran into this when I started to close sockets which were previously left to be timed out. That was certainly a suprprise, because naturally one would thought that closed socket will be, well, closed much earlier than unclosed one.
Fighting The SVG Beast
Whole yesterday's night I was fighting this beast. It's nice technology, but it's not big win on Linux. Either there is a beta and sometimes crashing plugin for Mozilla from Adobe or standalone Squiggle the SVG browser that comes with Batik which supports only a subset of SVG (e.g. EcmaScript support is not complete).
Java a JIT
V tomto textu budou nastíněny některé techniky používané v JIT kompilátorech Javy. K pochopení některých těchto technik je třeba vědět, jak to chodí v Javě pod pokličkou. Z toho důvodu budou stručně popsány i vnitřnosti JVM. Zájemci o hlubší pochopení problematiky nechť se odpíchnou od použitých zdrojů.
Oracle a Java
Následující text si neklade za cíl kompletně vyčerpat veškeré možnosti slovního spojení Oracle a Java, některé partie jsou pouze načrtnuty. Správcovské nástroje, které jsou vesměs napsány v Javě, vývojové protředí JDeveloper či Oracle Appserver nejsou vůbec zahrnuty.
Perl 5.6.0
Obsahem tohoto textu jsou některé (obzvláště vypečené) nové věci obsažené v Perlu verze 5.6.0. Vycházím víceméně z dokumentu perldelta(1).