List of software projects made (with one exception) by me over the years.
Usable and maintained
- DejaVu fonts
Free TrueType fonts based on Bitstream Vera fonts which I founded and for some time even managed.
- Czech data sources for Tellico
Additional data sources for Tellico.
Usable, but not maintained
- miniWiki
Simple Wiki written in PHP which uses MySQL as its storage.
- shttpdj/0.1.1
Small experimental Java HTTP server suitable for embedding into bigger project.
- shttpd/0.3.1
Very small, simple and perhaps fast HTTP server.
- srzip 0.3
Compression utility (for use as an educational tool - implemented algorithms include run-length encoding, static and adaptive Huffman encoding and Burrows-Wheeler transformation).
- Persona 0.1.35
Off-line web generator.
- lister 1.7 (new)
Simple mailing list manager.
- Web Check 0.2
Off-line web consistency tester (dead links control).
- smsd 0.1.8
Client/server system for sending messages to cellular phones.
- HaT 0.3
Adding diacritic marks to (czech) text.
- Pisq feat. Loser III 2.5d
Text-based connect5 with legendary brain named Loser III.
- Short Messages 1.7
CGI script for sending mail through HTML form.
- Stepan Roh's CGI Voting System 0.9.1
Web-based voting system in the form of CGI script.
- Stepan Roh's Counter 0.2
Simple CGI web access counter.
- Stepan Roh's Ratings 0.1
Simple CGI web rating system.
- Stepan Roh's Toplist 0.1
CGI statistics of counters and ratings.
- Count Hits 1.5
Simple Apache access log analyzer.
- Konvertor T602-HTML 1.02
Converter from T602 to HTML.
- System Info 0.8.20
System information utility.
- Stepan Roh's Befunge-93 Builder 1.0 for Windows
Integrated development environment for language Befunge-93.
- Stepan Roh's Befunge-93 Interpreter 1.0
Interpreter for two-dimensional language Befunge-93.
- Log Analyzer 0.5
Apache access log analyzer.
- IEvents Library 0.4
Event system (mouse, keyboard, timer and the like) for Allegro library.
- WriteQuorks 1.0
Graphically nice connect5.
Unusable, unfinished etc.
- MorT 0.1
Experimental morphological transfer.
- UPE 0.1
Universal processor emulator (compiler from spec. language to C).
- acl-linux 0.1
Access Control Lists utilities and Linux kernel patch.
- The Game of WAR 1.0
Source codes of unfinished strategy game.
- Atari Emulator 0.1
Almost functional 8-bit Atari emulator.